A Note from Deutschland: Guess What God Has Gone and Done?

So much for that last post, two years ago, about reviving my blog. Overly optimistic I guess. Excessive optimism isn’t usually my ambience, but I suppose it can trip anyone up now and then. From now on I shall refrain from making predictions regarding my use of this site. There’s clearly no point in it. But some deep and apprehensive part of me still wants to write something worth reading someday, so, write I must, if only to practice. Certainly practice need not be publicly posted, and I don’t dare look back and read all the “previous prose” on this page to see how I’ve come along — I’m too afraid of finding my writing as poor as it always was. Or worse than I imagine. Or, if not finding faults of writing, then faults of understanding. There is the option of starting an entirely new blog, or of deleting all my old posts so no one need find them, but both of those sound like a lot of work and, as we have already seen, for me personally, a lot of work on a blog + two children are a recipe for inaction..

So, I’ll keep it simple, and just keep writing here. Oh dear, there’s that pesky prediction thing again. I *hope* I’ll keep writing here.

Speaking of here . . . where is here? Germany, of all places. Who knew! Well, God did. Which rather defeats the purpose of the expression. But it encourages me, because of all things what I did NOT want was to move away from Little Rock. Yes, yes, I married the Air Force and I knew it was a likelihood. And I had prepared myself. But preparation doesn’t inoculate one against pain. The prospect of being ripped away from the place and the people among whom I had become an adult, grown spiritually, been carried through trials, served and been served, loved and been loved, seen my children loved and taught and prayed for, was gut-twisting. Still, moving always comes with some level of excitement; even when I don’t want to move I enjoy the idea of setting up a different home afresh, seeing new places and meeting new people. That excitement was present, but the pain didn’t ease at all for nearly a year.

That’s how long we’ve been here, isn’t that wild? Nearly a year. And now, wonder of wonders, guess what God has gone and done? He’s only gone and kept His promise to be faithful, to be near to us in our hurt, and provided us immediately with a Bible-teaching church full of people who love Him and love His people. The first eight or nine months were very hard, but “already” sweet friendships are developing, for us and our children.

God provides His people to one another. He gives generously beyond all we could ask or think — no matter what else He has taken. The giving and taking is His prerogative, and His perfect wisdom knows best what we need, and what our kids need. There is still pain in the separation from my other church family and I intend to keep making the effort to stay as closely in touch as possible. And yet — what fun it is to get a head start on meeting the great throng of believers I’ll spend eternity with! That there’s a nice thought.
