Funnies and Facts

Amber and Grayson, pointing to a pillow with several dolls covered in a blanket:  “Look Miss Elizabeth, our babies are in prison!
Me: “Oohhhhh, what did they do?”
A&G: “They POOPED!”
Me: “And for that they went to prison?”
Amber: “They pooped in the sink. It went down the drain.”
Me: “Eeww. How long do they have to stay in prison?”|
Me: “How long is a long time?”
Amber: “A hundred minutes!”


Henry, repeatedly sending a toy car off the edge of the table: “These people are driving off a cliff into hot lava!”
Me: “Oh no! They’ll get all burned up!”
Henry: “Ok, then they’re falling into a huge pile of ice. They might get a cold, but they won’t die.”


Jack, making a circle on the ground out of toy links: “This circle is a hole and it goes down to Fairy World.”
Jack jumps in, and right back out.
Me: “Back already Jack?”
Jack: “I saw a bug, so I left.”


  I’m sorry I’ve not taken the time to post anything serious lately. “Hectic” would be a good word for the past few weeks. Now that my sister and Mom are finally back from their various travels, I am out house-sitting both this week and next, switching houses this Friday. Work is still an adventure in learning new things every day, as seen above, and I still enjoy it. Dad took me to the Keith Urban/Sugarland concert, where in addition to fantastic guitar-work and fun songs, we enjoyed using binoculars to watch the ridiculous reactions of those who managed to touch Keith.

Jen Rahman recently loaned three books to me, which I read during lunch hours. Stepping Heavenward, Hedge of Thorns, and The Lamplighter.  All of them a good read, but Stepping Heavenward especially. Just about every young Christian girl I knew growing up had read it by the time they hit 9th grade, but for some reason I never did. It’s very convicting.  Before starting any new books, I need to finish a few I was in the middle of…the archeology book about KV, the last few chapters of The Innocents Abroad, and Dr. Mohler’s “Culture Shift”. 

Sunday Aug. 2nd we had a morning sermon from Dr. Zemek, and a special goodbye reception in the evening. It was odd, since I also remember being at Grace when he left there to come here.  I’ve heard his name since I was 5 years old, but never got to know him personally. George was my dad’s favorite professor and mentor at TMS, and Judy is always ready to ask how we are and pray for us, a steadfast example of selflessness. I know they will be a great blessing and encouragement to their new church family in Florida.