Prof. Horner’s Bible Reading System

A consistent diet of God’s Word will effect your daily decisions, your obedience to Him, and your evangelism.
This Bible-reading plan will put the Word in and on your mind like no other. I cannot recommend it highly enough.

It was developed by a professor of mine from college. In 1983 when he first became a believer, he realized that as one who desires to know Christ he needed to know the Bible front to back. He took an existing plan, adapting and organizing this one to a daily reading of one chapter from ten different sections of the Bible every day. Repeating each of the ten lists constantly, to provide a contextualized understanding over time.
If you start using this schedule (which you can modify if need be),  constant absorption of so much Scripture will have you thinking about it’s truth so much more often throughout the day.

Most who begin this plan say that even in the first few days they feel how much they have starved themselves of the Word. Definitely true for me!

Use this link to see a PDF with Horner’s own explanation, directions and encouragements…

Click to access professor-grant-horners-bible-reading-system.pdf

…or Google/Bing Prof Horner’s Bible Reading System to find it elsewhere.

Or listen to both parts of his 2012 interview on the Pilgrim Radio Network.
Part 1:
Part 2:

“Oh, how I love Your law! It is my meditation all the day. You, through your commandments, make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever with me. I have more understanding than all my teachers, for Your testimonies are my meditation.”  Psalm 119:97-99

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